
Tiddlywiki - Way ahead

Tiddlywiki is a unique tool. That is not always good. When your tool is unique, your problems are also unique and solutions might be rare. It is incredibly powerful to roll out your own solutions, but it is time-consuming. Ultimately the question is do you want to work on your notes, or do you want to work on your tool. Its unique selling proposition of powerful filters and transclusion is being implemented in apps like Logseq and Obsidian, which gives one fewer and fewer incentives to stay with Tiddlywiki.

For all the reasons mentioned in this series of notes, I am migrating my notes away from Tiddlywiki.

Nevertheless, I intend to continue to support Timimi. It is a project close to my heart and my way of repaying the Tiddlywiki project.

Tiddlywiki - Way ahead